With a promotion as “small,” as Stardom is, you know damn well that some women are going to have an absolutely insane amount of matches in a calendar year. You gotta give it to the company though, for how active their schedule is and for how small their roster is when compared to the likes of AEW and WWE, this promotion represents Women’s Wrestling better than any other company on the planet. As of this writing, there are 21 women with over 90 matches on the year and 13 of those have over 100 matches. That’s insane, especially when you compare it to the likes of WWE and AEW. By comparison, WWE has had only 6 people reach over 100 matches and only two of them were women, being Liv Morgan and Bianca Belair. Now that that comparison is out of the way, here are the Iron Women of Stardom. For this list, I’m only going to be including five names but before I get into the actual list, here are the rest of the women who have over 90 matches in Stardom for this year.
Saya Iida, Mina Shirakawa, AZM, Himeka, Lady C, Saki Kashima, Ruaka, Maika, Syuri, Momo Kohgo, Mayu Iwatani, Utami Hayashishita, Tam Nakano, Momo Watanabe, Giulia and Saya Kamitani.
Now that you know some of the women who won’t be on today’s list, let’s go into this and have some fun!
Stardom Iron Women
5. Hazuki – 104 Matches

The Wild Heart of Stardom kicks off our list today. Hazuki has had one phenomenal 2022. With 104 matches in total, as of this writing, Hazuki has been an absolute workhorse since returning to Stardom last year. Not to mention that she has proven me wrong and has absolutely shined since joining STARS. Out of Hazuki’s 104 matches, she has 48 wins, 45 losses and 11 draws, giving her a very mixed bag of results for the year. This doesn’t take anything away from Hazuki though. She’s an incredible performer and someone that everyone should pay attention to, no matter what match type or opponent she has.
Stardom Iron Women
4. Mai Sakurai – 105 Matches

For having 105 matches in 2022, Mai Sakurai has had absolutely abysmal results. She’s won a meager 37 times with 60 losses and 8 draws. Stardom clearly has faith in her ability to perform since she was given such a work load, but she definitely deserved a bit better than a horrendous 35 win percentage. Mai improved a lot in 2022, I will not say that she didn’t. Moving to Donna del Mondo did her a world of good. Now, she just needs the results to follow her iron woman status and hopefully that day will come sooner than later.
Stardom Iron Women
3. Koguma – 106 Matches

Like her FWC teammate Hazuki, Koguma has been an absolute work horse this year. She’s had 106 matches to date with 52 wins, 44 losses and 10 draws. She’s had better results than her partner Hazuki and, oddly enough, has had some better matches than her as well. Koguma is still a very young talent, only 24 years old, and has really only been wrestling 5 years. She had a nearly 6 year hiatus from wrestling but is still the same silly bear that Stardom fans have come to love. I’m sure that Koguma and the rest of STARS will have stellar years in 2023, it’s just a matter of time.
Stardom Iron Women
2. Starlight Kid – 109 Matches

Stardom’s insanely popular Sky Tiger holds the number 2 spot on today’s list with a whopping 109 matches as of this writing. The eight year veteran went from only having 8 matches in her rookie year to beating out nearly everyone in Stardom with 109 matches in total for 2022. Her results were a complete mixed bag with 51 wins, 51 losses and 7 draws, but for someone who doesn’t care about results that doesn’t matter at all. SLK has had phenomenal matches in 2022 against the likes of Giulia, Mayu Iwatani, Tam Nakano and AZM. I don’t expect this 21 year old phenom to slow down at all in 2023. In fact, I expect that SLK will stay at the top of Stardom’s card and be even more popular and successful in 2023.
Stardom Iron Women
1. Mirai – 110 Matches

Your Iron Woman in Stardom for 2022 is none other than Mirai from God’s Eye. Boasting 110 matches with an insane 60 wins, 26 losses and 24 draws, Mirai had the kind of year that most women dream of in Stardom. She didn’t have the top win percentage, that honor goes to KAIRI with 87% wins but Mirai had more than 100 matches on Kairi this year. Mirai may technically be a freelancer, but she sure as hell put Stardom on her back and carried them this year. To reward her, Rossi and Stardom awarded her the Cinderella crown earlier this year and have shown that they have immense faith in the young woman. I think Mirai will be even better in 2023 than she was this year.