Earlier today WWE made a huge announcement regarding their involvement in the Indian market, almost a year after 2017’s WWE Supershow in New Delhi.

    The WWE will be holding tryouts in the country for the first time in March 2019. The tryouts will be held over four days and feature 40 budding superstars. The prize on offer is being selected to start training at the hallowed Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.

    Triple H commented:

    “India has an extremely large and passionate fan base and remains a top priority for WWE as we continue to localize content globally, I am confident this latest talent tryout will result in a world-class pool of athletes ready to pursue their dream of becoming the next WWE Superstar from India.”


    The WWE holding a tryout is nothing new, currently, a set is being held in Santiago, Chile, and this past November, the company held a set on their European tour in Cologne, Germany. This will be the first held in India and has got the attention of some local fans:

    The WWE statement also details how the official recruitment website is also (as of today) available in Hindi, supporting the potential next crop of WWE superstars.

    The WWE has been spreading its wings, with the Indian tryout the latest in a string of events or approaches that take the company away from their traditional North American base. Recently the company has looked to rugby and soccer players, kabaddi and pehlwani athletes and of course MMA and combat sports. Their efforts haven’t been in vain with the likes of Kavita Devi of Haryana, India and a host of Chinese recruits including Mae Young Classic participant Xia Li.

    The WWE has been dipping their toe in the Indian market for some time, with Indian audiences getting their first taste of WWE action back in 1996. Things have come along way since Bret Hart defeated Triple H in Bombay. Combining Jinder’s push, with consecutive high profile house shows, the WWE has shown that the Indian market as one of their top priorities. With this latest announcement, the WWE will be hoping to strengthen their grasp of the Indian audience and secure any prospective talent that may come along.