In similar news to the WWE Japan LLC dissolving, it appears that their UK Branch could be doing the same thing. According to companies house, there has been an official “Final Gazette Notice” filed for the WWE UK Branch; WWE UK Holdings LTD.
Whilst this might not mean that WWE’s United Kingdom offering of WWE NXT UK might be going anywhere, it’s an oddity just days after the numerous rumours of power switches within the NXT brand and its pending “re-brand” with all the colours under the sun.
Wild speculation would have it that the WWE will be doing the same thing to its NXT UK brand whilst doing its American version. “WWE UK Holdings LTD” could also be the same
However, it could also just be the removal of a company they are going to merge with “WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED“.
What this means for the companies involved with WWE in the United Kingdom, such as Progress and ICW, remains to be seen. Most NXT UK contracts have often had plenty of freedom involved, with the likes of Millie McKenzie working both Progress Wrestling and NXT UK shows in the same breath. Dave Mastiff is another who has on-occasion worked for United Kingdom independents too. Time will tell.
Update: Former Progress Wrestling & NXT UK Creative Director Jim Smallman has responded on Instagram re; WWE NXT UK potentially shutting down, and “categorically” confirms it won’t be doing so. And that WWE UK Holdings LTD has “nothing to do with NXT UK”.