Matt Cardona (formerly Zack Ryder) did an interview with Busted Open Radio:

    His debut in AEW: “For me, I was nervous. I was walking in there like the new kid in school. All these people, whether I saw them wrestle or I saw them on social media, I knew everybody but I didn’t really know them. It was weird introducing myself to these people who I know. Some people I watched wrestle for years. Everyone was very welcoming and very inviting. They made me feel like I was there the whole time.”

    His love for wrestling: “There are times when it has sucked and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. That’s when you really have to love it. It is so easy to love it when you are on TV every week and in a great spot. Who wouldn’t love that. You have to love it when you are sitting in catering. You have to love it when you are not booked. You have to love it when things aren’t going your way. Then, when you get nights like last week, everything is so much better and sweeter that way. Maybe that’s just my delusional way of thinking about it. For me, that’s how I live my life. I don’t want to live in bitterness. What’s the point? Why complain online? You’re not going to be happier, I’ll tell you that.”