As you’ve seen the Dark Order has become one of the most formidable acts in wrestling. Their takeover of AEW has been a feat to watch. For over a year now, Dark Order has been making people feel like they aren’t alone by bringing structure and order to their lives.

    While it can be cult-like, the Dark Order knows how to win and make others feel included in that. Having Brodie Lee as their leader certainly helps the appeal to join, just look at his winning record. We’ve seen over the past few weeks that the Dark Order are recruiting and adding new members again. What if they opened up their recruitment beyond AEW? Let’s find out who could fit in with the Dark Order.

    Erick Redbeard FKA: Erick Rowan

    A perfect fit one might say. With the history between Brodie Lee and Rowan, the decision to join Dark Order should be pretty obvious. As multi-time tag team champions, the chemistry is there. While Dark Order has dabbled in the tag team division, adding Rowan to the fold could mean a complete takeover. Lee and Rowan could certainly win the tag team championships no problem.

    It is time for Rowan to right the wrongs of his last company and the Dark Order can certainly help. After things went sour in his last company, Rowan can prove he is a winner by joining Dark Order.

    Alexa Bliss

    We’ve all seen the changes in Bliss lately, you can’t miss them. Ever since her encounters with the Fiend she has been…off. Bliss is a completely different person, but this works in the Dark Order’s favour. Bliss has been running hot and cold lately, which could really throw opponents off. Her sweet side would drag opponents in, but as soon as she flips the switch… victory.

    The Dark Order could also utilize her veteran experience by having her become a mentor to Anna Jay and Tay Conti. Bliss has been at a low point lately, but the Dark Order could save her.

    Eric Young debuts
    Eric Young

    Eric Young has turned over a new leaf since venturing out on his own, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t benefit from a little help. EY’s new found mean streak could help intimidate Dark Order’s opponents even more. With EY wanting to be a champion wherever he is, Dark Order has proven they are capable of holding championships.

    With Young’s experience in singles and tag team competition, Dark Order could easily take control of all the title pictures.

    brody king
    Brody King

    While King can be seen as more of a loner, there is no telling what joining Dark Order could do for his career. We’ve seen how violent and powerful King can be in the ring, which would only mean positive things for Dark Order. King has tasted championship gold in other companies and that can only mean he is hungry for more. Whether it would mean King is holding the gold or helping make sure Dark Order gets it by any means necessary, it could only mea good things for the group.

    Shotzi Blackheart

    The wildcard of the bunch you could say. With Dark Order recruiting more women, Blackheart would make a wonderful addition. Her feistiness and uniqueness, would be welcomed asserts to Dark Order.

    The sky is the limit for Blackheart and joining Dark Order could only get her to her goals faster. With Anna Jay and Tay Conti already in the group, Blackheart’s addition would be the missing piece needed to takeover the women’s division.

    These five could help Dark Order continue to change wrestling for the better. They all have gone through some dark times and there is no one better than Dark Order to help them stay on the right path.

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