Last week’s episode of Monday Night RAW saw several superstars make their returns to live TV.

    During the main event where Rusev fought Universal Champion Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley then made his presence known during the match, along with Rusev’s wife, Lana. But then things took a weird turn as The Ravishing Russian proceeded to kiss Lashley, much to her husband’s dismay.

    This might become yet another storyline that leaves fans scratching their heads. However, there have been plenty of other strange love/love triangle storylines over the years that were even weirder. Let’s take a look at five bizarre relationship storylines!

    5. Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix

    Kicking off the list is the odd power couple of Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix.

    It all started when Phoenix answered Marella’s open challenge on the July 14th, 2008 episode of Monday Night RAW. The two would then share a kiss the following week after Marella lost to D-Lo Brown.

    They continued to have an on-screen relationship for the remainder of the year, going by the name of Glamarella. Phoenix then competed in the “Miss WrestleMania” battle royal at WrestleMania XXV, but lost to Marella’s “sister”, Santina Marella.

    Afterwards, The Glamazon was upset with Santino pretending to be Santina and the two broke up. Phoenix tried to challenge Santina for the title of “Miss WrestleMania” at Backlash, but was unsuccessful.

    While the relationship was wacky and entertaining, it was always just a weird dynamic. Seeing a strong and imposing woman like Phoenix paired with Marella never really felt right for me. It just felt like she deserved better than to be a part of a comedy act.

    4. Rusev, Lana, Dolph Ziggler, & Summer Rae

    Up next was the very confusing love triangle…or square, whatever you want to call it.

    Back in the summer of 2015, Rusev & Lana were feuding with John Cena over the United States Championship. Cena defeated Rusev for the title at WrestleMania 31, then beat him in an “I Quit” match at Payback after Lana quit on Rusev’s behalf.

    The following night on RAW, Lana claimed that Rusev said he quit in Bulgarian and that was why she did what she did. This did not go over well with The Bulgarian Brute, who belittled her. Later that night Lana kissed Dolph Ziggler, seemingly “breaking up” with Rusev in the process.

    He would go on to attack and injure Ziggler, then began to see and be managed by Summer Rae as a way of making Lana jealous. Ziggler returned several months later to help Lana after being confronted by both Rusev and Rae.

    As if this wasn’t already convoluted enough, Rae then seduced Ziggler so he and Lana would break up. But then all of a sudden, the storyline was dropped because Lana injured her wrist while training. However, rumours were that this storyline was dropped bevause Lana & Rusev made their engagement public, which did not go over well with WWE.

    From the start, this whole storyline was just ridiculous and all over the place. Perhaps it was a good thing that Lana confirmed her engagement to Rusev on TMZ, because it saved fans from having to deal with this mess even further.

    3. Al Wilson & Dawn Marie

    Now we look at a rather personal storyline from the early 2000’s.

    Torrie Wilson joined WWF as a part of the WCW Invasion angle in 2001, and eventually “defected” to the WWF later that year. She began feuding with Dawn Marie in September 2002, when Marie started dating Wilson’s real-life father, Al Wilson.

    The two women would face off at No Mercy that October, where Wilson would emerge victorious. Not long after, Marie became engaged to Al and promised Wilson that she would end the engagement if she spent a night in a hotel with her. It turned out to be a lie and the engagement was still on.

    On the January 2, 2003 episode of SmackDown, Al, and Marie got married in their underwear, much to the dismay of Torrie. A week later, it was discovered that Al “died” of a heart attack after consummating his marriage with Marie on their honeymoon.

    Wilson would once again defeat Marie in a “Stepmother vs. Stepdaughter” match at the Royal Rumble, ending the feud for good.

    Looking back on it, this storyline was just plain wrong from start to finish. Sure, it got people talking, but for all the wrong reasons. It just goes to show you that Vince McMahon was not afraid to cross boundaries when it came to his talent.

    2. Perry Saturn, Moppy, & Terri Runnels

    Then we keep the weirdness going by looking at a love triangle involving an inanimate object. Yes, you read that correctly.

    Perry Saturn debuted with the WWF in 2000, and eventually started an on-screen relationship with his manager at the time, Terri Runnels. However, he legitimately attacked a jobber after a match and, as possible punishment for his actions, underwent a significant character change.

    He “sustained” head trauma and a concussion in a match against The APA and Raven, and afterwards began behaving strangely. This included falling in love with a mop named Moppy, who he thought was alive.

    The fans quite enjoyed the gimmick, which turned Saturn face in the process. Runnels eventually demanded that he choose either Moppy or her, in which he chose the former. Enraged, she left him for Raven, who ended up stealing Moppy and throwing it into a woodchipper.

    Saturn exacted some revenge on Raven by defeating him at Unforgiven in September 2001.

    I’m not sure I really need to dwell on this one a whole lot. Any storyline involving someone falling in love with an inanimate object is always going to be strange, plain and simple.

    1. Mae Young & Mark Henry

    Finally, we come to one of the most infamous love storylines in WWE.

    In 1999, Mark Henry was “Sexual Chocolate”, a ladies’ man character who at first started a romantic storyline with Chyna. Not long after, he admitted that he was a sex addict and even went to therapy to work on his problem. Eventually, it was The Godfather, of all people, who helped him overcome his addiction.

    He then started an on-screen relationship with Mae Young and began feuding with Viscera. Young became “pregnant” with Henry’s child, and Viscera ended up splashing her after a tag team match between him & The Hollys against Henry & The Acolytes.

    Young would then give birth to a hand (yes, a hand) and Henry was later sent down to Ohio Valley Wrestling to work on his wrestling skills and conditioning.

    So many people remember this storyline all too well, whether they want to or not. While Perry Saturn and Moppy were strange, I think a pregnant woman in her 80’s giving birth to a hand takes the cake as probably the most bizarre relationship storyline in WWE history.

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