Few wrestlers have divided opinions to the extent that Orange Cassidy seems to have managed.

    Having gained a cult following on the independent circuit, Cassidy signed with All Elite Wrestling earlier this year and has since gone on to display his arsenal of devastating offensive moves with the likes of The Young Bucks, The Dark Order, and Tommy Dreamer.

    While donning double denim he has divided the different opinions of many, prompting discussion and disagreements from devotees and disgruntled disparagers alike. Cassidy can be credited for sending Jim Cornette into absolute meltdown on many occasions, much like an ice cream cone in the blazing sun. Jim Cornetto – get it?

    Orange Cassidy is somewhat of an enigma and can not be explained using words alone. For that reason, we’ve put together a collection of his best matches available for free to help you decide for yourself.

    1. Orange Cassidy vs. Gentleman Jervis


    The first match on our list sees Cassidy squaring off against ‘The World’s Sweetest Man’, Gentleman Jervis at WrestleCircus: Encore. An additional stipulation of this match was that the winner would receive the WrestleCircus Sideshow championship which had previously been vacated by Brian Cage.

    This match included some brutal offense, with Jervis applying a hug for the first move of the match. Orange would respond with some lethargic offense of his own. The most notable moment from this match came when Cassidy seemingly fell asleep in the centre of the ring. Jervis obtained pillows and a blanket from under the ring and attempted to pin Orange, however, this plan was foiled when the referee sneezed loudly before making the three count, waking Cassidy from his slumbered state.

    2. Orange Cassidy vs. Stokely Hathaway

    The next match on this list sees Orange Cassidy face Stokely Hathaway For the Independent Wrestling Title in none other than a GRAMMYs Street Fight. There are no words that can do justice to this match, it simply needs to be seen to be believed.

    3. Orange Cassidy & Session Moth Martina vs. Jordynne Grace & Brian Cage

    Our next match is from Beyond Wrestling: Unchartered Territory, and sees the oddball pairing of Orange Cassidy and Session Moth Martina teaming up to face off against the significantly more bench team of ‘Thicc Mama Pump’ Jordynne Grace and ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage.

    Cassidy is well known for keeping his hands in his pockets at all times, and this match was no exception. A Cesaro Swing from Jordynne Grace and a delayed vertical suplex from Brian Cage were not enough to remove the hands from the pockets of Cassidy.

    4. Orange Cassidy vs. Colt Cabana

    Number 4 on our list is the inaugural match from Feast Championship Wrestling – an outdoors show held on site at the Feast Sandwich Co. (yes, I’m just as confused as you are).

    This match saw Cassidy clash with arguably the most renowned comedy wrestler of our generation in ‘Boom Boom’ Colt Cabana, and is a fantastic example of using a prop in a match to enhance the story. In this instance the prop was a can of beer, delivered to Orange in ring by his manager/professional beer server, The Swamp Monster.

    A little known fact about Cassidy is whether at the bar or in the ring, his beer handling skills are second to none. OC displayed these skills in this match, maintaining beer in hand for several moves. The beer related hilarity would continue when referee Bryce Remsburg applied the 5 count to Cabana when he attempted to confiscate it, and was distracted for a pinfall count when he himself decided to take a swig.

    5. Orange Cassidy vs. Joey Ryan


    The final match on this list is from Game Changer Wrestling, a promotion from the USA that has gained a cult following from its often over the top and outlandish antics. What better place to host the clash of two of the most popular comedy acts in the world?

    Cassidy boasts an arsenal of deceptively strong offence, in which he is so proficient that he makes it look like he’s not even trying. On the other hand, Joey Ryan boasts his own unique style of offence, including the devastating dick flip which many foes have fallen to.

    On many an occasion in this match Ryan would attempt to remove Orange’s hand from their natural habitat, endeavouring to apply his destructive cock lock.

    Joey had oiled himself before the match, however it was Cassidy who would slip out of Ryan’s offence by reverting to his natural silhouette, again with hands fully deposited in pocket.

    This match quickly escalated out of hand, with OC introducing a glass light tube as a weapon into the match, with the referee exercising full discretion and allowing the match to continue rather than calling for a DQ. Cassidy would go on to score the pinfall, however I think we can all agree that the fans were the real winners here.

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    You can find the writer of this article on Twitter @RhysTeddy. Thanks for reading!