All Elite Wrestling is well on their way to being on our TVs weekly.

    While the shows they have put on so far have been great, it will be nice to get to know more names and faces on a weekly basis. AEW has something special going for them, that is surely continue on Wednesday nights.

    The thing is, while their shows have been great, a lot of faces are not familiar to the casual fan. Even if they know the name, fans don’t know their story yet. This list is here to help a little bit.

    Of course, we all know that The Young Bucks, Cody, and Kenny Omega already have big roles in the company; this list will show you five people to watch out for in the future. From tag teams to the women’s division, AEW has put together a fantastic group of characters heading into their weekly TV show. Let’s take a look, shall we?

    5. Jimmy Havoc

    Of course, most of you reading this are familiar with Jimmy, how could you not be? For years, Jimmy took over the UK in only the ways he can. I expect him to continue to be his hardcore goth self in AEW and make his way to the top.

    While in the UK he held many championships, including being the longest reigning Progress World Champion. There is no reason not to expect Havoc to become a champion in AEW, and by his track record, it would be pretty fun to watch. Matches with Chris Jericho, Cody, or even Kenny Omega down the line are all intriguing. What would be even better is if AEW considered adding a secondary title down the line. If Havoc can’t go for the World title, why not a hardcore title or something like the intercontinental title? He will be one that fans will definitely tune in to watch.

    There’s a lot available to Jimmy when it comes to AEW and they seem to think pretty highly of him. With finally getting his first win at ALL OUT, expect more victories to come. Also, just because his first win was in a hardcore match, don’t underestimate his technical wrestling skills. He can wrestle with some of the best, its not all staple guns and cracker barrels for this one.

    4. Private Party

    As we saw from ALL OUT, AEW has a pretty stacked tag team division. While a lot of the division is well known, Private Party is not. The Young Bucks hand-picked these guys, so there has to be something special there, right?

    Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy make up the team known as Private Party and shouldn’t be overlooked in the tag division. They are a young team, that has similarities to the Bucks but are very much making their own kind of style. Going to weekly TV means we’ll get to learn more about Private Party and who they are as a tag team. Fyter Fest was a huge breakout for them, and come October I am expecting big things.

    They really haven’t tasted much tag team gold in their short career, so look for them to make a strong run in the tag team tournament. This young team will be fun to watch.

    3. Penelope Ford

    I think a lot of people have overlooked Penelope. This contract signing with AEW was a long time coming and many companies missed out on her. Of course most know her for accompanying Joey Janela to the ring, but you’re missing out if that’s all you know about Ford.

    She is going to bring a lot of power and sass to AEW’s women’s division. Ford has had experience in CZW, Beyond Wrestling, and Queens of Combat to name a few. Once AEW really gets going, I can see her potentially being a face of the whole division. She could have excellent matches against Sadie Gibbs, Nyla Rose, and Rhio.

    There’s a lot of potential in Penelope whether it be in the women’s division or in a managerial role. “The Bad Girl” has all the tools to takeover AEW.

    2. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus

    Another tag team to add to the stacked division AEW is building. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy are crowd favorites and nothing seems to be stopping them. Imagine these two with the AEW Tag Team Championships? The joy they’d bring to a lot of people would be really lovely to see, especially in a time where the world isn’t always so great.

    There’s just a lot to look forward to from this team. They both have excellent skills that just seem to get better with every match. Their chemistry is just what you want to watch from a tag team, they truly are a great cohesive unit. Whether they become the face of AEW’s tag team division or not, they are surely a great fit for where AEW is heading.

    1. Darby Allin

    Now for some of you, Darby wouldn’t be at the top of your list, but he deserves to be. Darby has been around for a while, but never really has gotten the recognition he has deserved, but that should change in AEW.

    We’ve seen Darby do some pretty crazy things in his career and he hasn’t slowed down at all since joining AEW. Just look at his matches with Cody or the triple threat match at ALL OUT, Darby has still been the same stunt defying wrestler. He is fun to watch and its fun to see the crowd gravitate towards him.

    Darby has already been apart of some high profile matches for the company, look for those sort of matches to continue. AEW knows they have found a star. This is truly just the beginning for Darby and the sky is just the limit for him.

    Now of course the AEW has many talented wrestlers to watch out for, but these five are definitely those you should look out for. With weekly television just around the corner, these wrestlers and tag teams will help AEW continue to grow in the eyes of the fans. AEW has something special in this group and should be pretty fun to watch. Who are you most looking forward to see more of?

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    You can find the author of this article on Twitter @paigeyb88. Thanks for reading!