When fans hear the glass break, they automatically associate that with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    The music that someone makes their entrance to, can make or break one’s connection with fans. While one who comes out to no music can give a wrestler a reaction, music definitely is the way to go. If you hear the first bits of Vince McMahon’s entrance, sitting in the crowd you’re ready to boo or, I don’t know many who will cheer the man. 

    There is entrance music so synonymous with a wrestler and then those slightly forgotten songs. In this list, I’ll go through five underrated or forgotten themes. With so many themes that could be worthy of this list, it was tough to narrow down. For this list though, we’ll be focusing on underrated WWE songs, I mean a reminder of the good times in WWE music would be good right?

    5. Maven- Behind the Stars

    As the first winner of Tough Enough, a lot of eyes were on Maven to accomplish big things. Of course, we all know how Maven’s career went it was rather short-lived. Although his career may not have gone according to plan, he had one of the most underrated theme songs. 

    You want to be grabbed by an entrance song right? Well, Maven’s did that. It was a song you could bang your head to or sing along with. As fans, we didn’t appreciate having songs like this at the time, or at least looking back on it we didn’t. Maven’s song was one of the best during 2002-2005, but because Maven’s career didn’t really stick it is definitely forgotten about.

    4. Drew McIntyre- Broken Dreams

    During Drew’s first WWE run he came out to Broken Dreams and it was definitely the correct choice. The lyrics just fit, especially for him being “The Chosen One.” 

    ‘What was yours, now is mine

    I dream broken dreams, I make them come true’

    I mean come on! You’d think that this would always be Drew’s song right? Of course, as wrestling fans, we should know we don’t always get what we want. When Drew returned to WWE in 2017, he wound up having a theme going back to his Scottish roots. While that makes sense, having Drew return to WWE looking much more jacked and menacing, he looked like he was going to break a lot of people’s dreams. As much as Broken Dreams fit his first run, his second run is more worthy of it.

    3. Christian- Just Close Your Eyes

    Christian is a lucky one, he technically got to keep his song on all the WWE runs he had. I say technically because there are two different versions of the song. After his tag team run with Edge, Christian’s original version of this song was sung by Waterproof Blonde. This version was a tad soft, well it at least didn’t get as loud as one would have thought. It did have that Jim Johnston was the composer of it, which I believe most WWE theme now miss out on his genius.
    The second incarnation of this song was by a band called Story of the Year. It is my favorite of the two because it is loud pretty much from the get-go. This version made me excited to see Christian, who let’s face it should really be talked about as one of the best of all time.

    2. Randy Orton- Burn in my Light

    He may not be a popular guy, but when this music hit, you were ready to see the Legend Killer. A “hey!” yelled at you right away, I mean you had to be alert.

    Orton’s theme currently is fine, but there was something about this Mercy Drive song. For a young Randy Orton, it just fit perfectly. He was a rookie trying to find his footing but wanted to take all the spotlight, which he did. 

    1. Victoria- All The Things She Said

    I honestly forgot Victoria ever used this song. It’s such a classic that I am ashamed I forgot about it. The psycho gimmick Victoria had at the time, this song just went hand in hand with it. Victoria was the original crazy chic in WWE and carved out paths for AJ Lee and Paige to show off their craziness as well. 
    Victoria was, well still is, one of the greatest of all time and her themes always seemed to go along with that. Why this was is so forgotten about is beyond me, but I definitely wish she kept this song throughout her whole career. There is just something about hearing “Yes I’ve lost my mind” versus “I ain’t the lady to mess with.” 

    There ya have it, five underrated and forgotten WWE themes. Of course, there are so many more that could have been added to the list, so comment and let me know some of your favourites! 

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    You can find the author of this article on Twitter @paigeyb88. Thanks for reading!