Arguably the greatest independent tag team of all time, The BackSeat Boyz (Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere) was originally the brainchild of NWA NJ booker Donnie B. Donnie hand-picked a 19-year-old Trent Acid and a 20-year-old Johnny Kashmere to take on the personas back in 1999. The team went on to hold dozens of tag titles all over the world including being among the first-ever teams to hold the Ring of Honor world tag team titles. The team stopped competing after the tragic passing of Trent Acid in 2010. Now, over twenty years later, a new young tag team will don the iconic silver pants and aim to help re-establish tag team wrestling as a staple on the independent scene.
The team will be called “The NÜ BackSeatz” and will be comprised of brothers Tommy and JP Grayson with manager Johnny Kashmere. The Graysons are already an established tag team in their own right and are known for their innovative offense, cohesiveness, and hybrid wrestling style. Donnie and Johnny both feel that they are undeniably the next tag team to carry the BSB torch to new heights.
Kashmere said, “This new team is dedicated to the memory of Trent Acid and Jay Briscoe, two of the all-time best tag team specialists ever to wrestle…period!”
The NÜ BackSeatz will begin taking bookings in March of this year. Their debut as a team is set for March 18th for Empire State Wrestling in upstate NY as they challenge for the ESW Tag Team Titles. Then the official torch-passing ceremony will take place on Friday, March 31st in New Jersey for WING before their NJ debut tag match. Links to the events are below.
In the meantime find them on social media to see pics and video vignettes coming soon.
Here are the links:
Twitter- @NUGraysons
IG- @TheNUGraysons
Tommy Grayson Social-
Twitter- @TommyGraysons94
Facebook- Tommy Grayson
JP Graysons Social media-
Twitter- @JPGrayson1
Ig- @JPGrayson1
Facebook- Justin Parker
Johnny Kashmere Social Media-
Facebook- John Paul Kashmer
Courtesy of Philip Stamper | Wrestle Reality