Nikki Cross is in the same position as many wrestlers in WWE: Completely Underutilized. Even so, she’s making an effort to not be forgotten. She’s currently blitzing social media with personal promos expressing her chagrin. Could this lead up to her siding with RETRIBUTION? Let’s hope not. That is the WWE way but, there’s an opportunity here. If Nikki Cross maneuvers wisely, she could make a huge course correction in her career.

    For a little context, Nikki Cross came to NXT in 2016. Within a few months, she was made a member of the stable SAnitY. She provided a feminine spark for the burly faction. With her came crazed, frenetic energy that soon made her a fan favorite. So much so, she was called up to WWE without her make-shift brothers.

    The cold realization many wrestlers make when they move from NXT to WWE is that they are not one and the same. Both SAnitY and Cross did their best with what they were given but most fans weren’t surprised when they didn’t get much airtime. It took about 3 years for SAnitY to disband. Killian Dane returned to NXT. Alexander Wolfe moved to NXT UK. And Eric Young returned to Impact with only some protest from WWE fans.

    Nikki Cross | WWE

    Nikki Cross fared better. Yet, WWE tried to mold her into something more “presentable”, taming her wild NXT ways. They paired her with Alexa Bliss and hoped the “friendship” would flourish into…something. Then Bray Wyatt’s “The Fiend” broke out and Bliss was off to flesh out a new gimmick, leaving Cross alone to fend for herself. This shouldn’t be viewed as an act of cruelty, though. The WWE Universe can be very dismissive. Wrestlers may often feel they are in a position of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. Times are changing, however. As fans become more vocal about their disapproval or their general inability to take WWE seriously, a door begins to creak open. If WWE wanted to maintain an “our way or the highway” mentality, they had to steadily produce undeniably entertaining and compelling content. Just about every onlooker can attest they don’t exactly measure up. This is where a wrestler can find hope.

    Understanding the WWE Universe is the primary key. It operates much like an adult version of high school. The difference here is that a wrestler can sculpt their persona as opposed to try it on for size. So in that regard, it’s more about the look and personality than anything else. If a person looks intimidating or can demonstrate intimidating/remarkable action and present a compelling personality, there is a good chance one can succeed in WWE. This is even more profound in the Women’s Division. The ladies are veering away from being “Divas” and are becoming strong female contenders. This works in Cross’ favor. Fans have plenty of praise for Cross on social media. They would love to see her return to her frenzied self but WWE may not know how to present that in an entertaining or believable manner.

    Nikki Cross Opens Up About Body Positivity

    This could be the catalyst for Cross to take the bull by the horns. Her promos are provocative. She is angry and rightly so! Cross did what she was told and was left to do nothing, like so many others. Cross has to carve out her own climb to the top and all WWE wrestlers should continue to take notice.

    Nikki Cross can certainly find success in WWE but she’ll have to do so along with the Women’s Division. Her social media campaign could be a start. She’ll have to then back it up with action and more realistically, gain allies. We cannot deny she will need the help of her fellow wrestlers. Together, the WWE Women’s Division could cement themselves as the pinnacle of professional wrestling, regardless of gender. Let us hope that Cross’s brave showing allows her to find a special place within that potential legacy.

    You can listen to our interview with Nikki Cross (and Cedric Alexander) here.