This show marks the 25th anniversary of WWE’s former pay-per-view series
On last night’s episode of WWE NXT, Triple H announced that Sunday, June 7th will see the return of a vintage pay-per-view name with NXT TakeOver: In Your House on the WWE Network.
The WWE C.O.O said Thursday marks the 25th anniversary of the first WWE In Your House pay-per-view and because so many people are spending time in their houses, they wanted to bring the action to the fans.
We even got a few jokes from Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg, saying Triple H didn’t Triple H didn’t want to talk about his first IYH match which was a hog pen match against Henry Godwinn at In Your House 5.
The last TakeOver was held in mid-February in Portland, Oregon, with the last scheduled event at WrestleMania weekend canceled due to the pandemic.