The Voice of The Wrestling Movement firstly wants to congratulate Drake Maverick on his new NXT contract.
His connection with the fans opened up an opportunity for him that he took with aplomb, and his talent has allowed for him to stay on the right track to his ultimate goal.
What this does, however, is raise questions.

Why, in the midst of a global pandemic, was an ex-employee seemingly asked to work for a company that stated he was surplus to requirements during a 90 day No Compete Clause?
If the answer to that is for a richer plot thread, is preying on fans’ fears of being fired or furloughed really the best way to “put smiles on people’s faces”?
And what of the other employees let go? People like Rusev, Taynara Conti and Lio Rush? The very situation they’re living through has been moulded into entertainment for the masses – should they want to return, will they also be given an exploitative story to whip up sympathy from their audience?
The situation is, at best, a company capitalising on the very real emotion generated by a very real situation for passable TV. And at worst? Propaganda, distracting from a mass talent release to balance annual financial books that look to be the most profitable in company history.