Triple H said a final goodbye to his friend Lemmy yesterday, as he was laid to rest in Hollywood. The Motörhead frontman’s funeral was streamed live to the world via the bands official YouTube channel – and more than 250,000 watched as friends, family and band members paid their tributes and shared stories about the godfather of rock and roll, Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister.

    Earlier in the day, Triple H shared this photo on Twitter;

    Triple H shared many a story from how they first met, how his entrance music just couldn’t sound like Motörhead in anyway so they got the band in to record it, and also what it’s like to walk out at WrestleMania with your childhood hero playing you in. All this and more can be heard in the video below;

    Motörhead went on to play at WrestleMania, record entrance themes for Triple H and Evolution and became a huge fan of wrestling.

    On behalf of everyone here at TWM News, may we express our condolences to the Kilmister family, Motörhead and all his friends.

    RIP Lemmy.