Win a copy of the brand new US Championship – A Legacy of Greatness DVD in our latest giveaway!

    To celebrate the release of US Championship – A Legacy of Greatness on DVD / Blu-Ray, we’ve teamed up with WWE and our friends at WWE Home Video UK to offer three lucky winners the chance to get their hands on one US Championship – A Legacy of Greatness DVD!

    The DVD is a look back at the 40 year-plus history of one of the most prestigious titles in sports-entertainment – the United States Championship! Featuring some of the greatest ever U.S. Championship matches – including Superstars such as Harley Race, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Lex Luger, Steve Austin, Eddie Guerrero, John Cena and Daniel Bryan – this epic collection shows why the United States Championship has become a symbol of excellence and the legacy of greatness it has left behind!

    US Championship

    And it’s not just the many Superstars that make this journey interesting, but also the many places the title has called its home – Mid-Atlantic, the NWA, WCW and now WWE.

    With such a long and storied history, this collection appeals to fans of all ages and tastes, whether you’re a fan of old-school Ric Flair matches, the Monday Night Wars or modern-day WWE!


    Simply enter your details on the form below, and you could be a winner with TWM News! Three winners will be chosen at random on Monday 9 May and be notified by email or Social Media. Competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom only, and only ONE email entry is allowed.

    You may also enter the competition an additional time by liking and sharing this post on our Facebook page.

    Be sure also to like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter to keep up to date with all of our competitions, promotions and latest news!

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