When you are on the road as much as wrestlers are, formations of friendships and romantic relationships are bound to happen because you spend so much of your time with these people.
It’s like the people you work with yourself – you spend more time with them than anyone else. Some competitors are very good at keeping their personal lives very quiet to the fans but in the age we live in, their relationships can be exposed to the whole world.
If you are roughly the same age as me, you would’ve grown up knowing that aside from a certain cerebral assassin and billion-dollar princess, wrestling power couples were very hard to come by.

They are the mould, the measuring stick and the ones to aim to be like, they are Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Yes, they are obviously the couple I alluded to in the introduction. I got stick for not adding these two into my article last week and it’s because their relationship off-screen is so much better than their on-screen. Their relationship began as a storyline in 2000 in which Triple H married an unconscious Stephanie in a drive-thru chapel despite her being engaged to Test. She eventually turned and partnered up with her new boyfriend. They dated for three years before marrying in October 2003 and are still married with three children, all girls. Their relationship is extremely well known to WWE fans because it’s the daughter of the company’s CEO and her husband, the inevitable successor to Vince.
Like I said, their relationship hasn’t really been brought on-screen due to Stephanie’s major commitments to backstage operations but they were brought together as a couple from 2013 to 2016 as part of the Authority. Stephanie does make appearances as support for Hunter in his Wrestlemania matches, usually getting involved to aid her husband. Together, they created Connor’s Cure, a charity for paediatric cancer research following the death of a fan who touched their hearts, Connor Michalek. Through everything, they have always been the standard-bearer for WWE couples because of how beloved they are; even when playing heels on TV, we absolutely adore them.

The newest of major couples in WWE and at one point, a power couple to challenge Triple H and Stephanie. Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch tried to keep their relationship quiet from everyone due to their placements on the roster in WWE as two of the higher tier competitors. It was revealed, and confirmed by WWE and the pair, that they were dating in May of 2019. Seth tweeted a picture of the two embracing on his Instagram with the caption:
‘I guess I’m allowed to post this now….@beckylynchwwe ?’
… which makes me think either Becky or Vince wanted it to be kept quiet. Seth has since said their first kiss was shared on the weekend of the Royal Rumble 2019, the night they both won the namesake matches. In August 2019, Becky confirmed on her Instagram that the two were engaged to much fanfare from the WWE universe. As expected, because it’s WWE, their relationship was brought into storyline.
At the time, Seth was Universal Champion and Becky was RAW Women’s Champion so it was obvious Vince wanted a new power couple on TV to feud with their very best… Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans. The on-screen relationship wasn’t actually that bad because it wasn’t shoved down our throats. They would have mixed tag matches but wouldn’t continuously force it in the fans’ faces. After Seth lost the Universal Title due to Brock Lesnar’s cash in, their relationship ceased to be referenced on WWE TV. Rumours are speculating that the pair will be taking time off after Wrestlemania this year which could cause Rebecca Quin to become Rebecca Lopez, kayfabe broken.

The AEW equivalent to Triple H and Stephanie (I told you, the latter is the measuring stick), Cody & Brandi Rhodes met when they were both working in WWE – Brandi under the ring name Eden Stiles and Cody under his family ring name, Cody Rhodes. They were married in 2013 and currently live with their dog, Pharaoh. For their WWE tenures, which ended in 2016, they were never coupled up on screen, probably due to Brandi’s position as a ring announcer. Upon departing WWE, she began accompanying Cody to the ring for all of his independent work as well as Impact and Ring of Honor.
They are both currently involved with the backstage running of All Elite Wrestling and have only just began to have their relationship put onto AEW TV. Before, Brandi was a part of the awful Nightmare Collective so was kept separate from her husband. There isn’t a lot known about their personal lives, with both doing quite well to keep their home lives and wrestling lives separate.

A couple I was not aware of until after his Hall of Fame induction – even though he said Beth, I did not know he was referring to The Glamazon. Edge and Beth Phoenix are like wrestling’s mum and dad: two absolutely delightful and down to earth people come together to make just the best couple. The date they began dating is relatively unknown but it was between 2010 and 2013 – the former is the year Beth divorced her ex-husband and the latter is the birth year of their first daughter, Lyric. Along with Lyric, they have another daughter, Ruby, born in 2016, the same year the two married on Edge’s 43rd birthday.
Edge retired in 2012 and Beth quietly did in the same year following a firing storyline. She joined her husband in the Hall of Fame in 2017, with them making history as the youngest couple to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. They both made appearances in the 2020 Royal Rumble, Edge’s first return in nine years and Beth making her second appearance in a row. An absolutely brilliant night for the both of them as they proved they’ve still got it in the ring.

These two have a TV show named after them, that’s all you need to say when speaking about the best couples. The Miz and Maryse’s dynamic and chemistry together on WWE TV or on Miz & Mrs is hilarious, showing the love and bond between the two. Again, like Edge and Beth, the initial date of them dating is unknown but they did marry in 2014 after being together for a lengthy time. It’s quite funny looking at the Miz’s TV character and thinking Maryse would marry him but that’s the fun of the WWE at the end of the day.
They currently live in California with their two daughters, Monroe and Madison. Maryse returned to WWE TV in 2016 as the valet for The Miz which went hand in hand with Miz’s gimmick of the obnoxious Hollywood actor. She would aid him in wins with cheating tactics and would shortly dub themselves the ‘It Couple’. She would take brief hiatus’ during both pregnancies, eventually returning to WWE TV during her husband’s feud with Bray Wyatt which created an interesting skit for sure. Seeing what became of The Miz from his original gimmick to his current, he and Maryse’s personality fit perfectly together and they make the perfect hated couple.

Our first inter-company relationship of this list which obviously started when Jon was known by his previous alias, Dean Ambrose. Jon Moxley and Renee Young are a reserved couple, a couple fans probably didn’t know were dating until about 2016 – they began dating in 2013. Renee had only been with the company a year, and Jon was part of The Shield so it was like different paths crossing. The two were married in 2017 in their Las Vegas home in an impromptu ceremony, which really does not shock me at all based on their personalities. Their marriage was brought briefly onto WWE TV in 2016 when The Miz, who was feuding with Moxley at the time, would ask Renee what is her ‘obsession’ with him.
In addition, when Renee joined the RAW commentary team and Moxley was on his way out of the company, Michael Cole and Corey Graves would openly discuss their relationship and ask Renee how Moxley was feeling at this point. Renee is yet to be seen on AEW TV but is fully supporting her husband’s new position in a rival company. We all know Moxley is a reserved character, not having social media until he joined AEW so the only things we ever see of their relationship is via Renee. They both did appear on Total Divas which gave fans an insight into the person behind Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose, which was the exact same as his character. Completely laid back like his wife which is always refreshing to see, except when someone steals his wife’s hat, it goes down.

The eco-warrior couple who just seem to make the other person better. Meeting in 2011, Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella married after three years of dating in 2014. After Bryan’s forced retirement, Brie also semi-retired for them to start having a family, which they did. She gave birth to a daughter in 2017 in which they named Birdie, the most naturist name in the world and the inspiration for Brie’s clothing range. Brie also announced that she is pregnant with a second child this year, alongside her twin sister, Nikki, both announcing on the same day. The two had various storylines on TV, starting in 2010 when both Bellas would be fighting for the affection of Bryan before he chose Gail Kim over the two.
During Bryan’s feud with The Authority, Brie was brought in as a woman to stand up against Stephanie, getting into various altercations both physical and verbal. Stephanie even threatened Brie’s career unless Bryan relinquished the World Title. Instead, Brie chose to quit instead which resulted in a match at Summerslam that Brie lost due to interference from her sister. Their relationship was also focused on in Total Divas, alongside Nikki’s relationship with ex-boyfriend, John Cena. The Bellas were so captivating in that show they received their own spin-off, Total Bellas, putting even more focus on Brie and Bryan’s relationship. These two are undoubtedly one of the most beloved couples in WWE: they received two Slammy Awards for Couple of the Year which speaks for itself. Did Triple H and Stephanie ever win one?
Relationships can come and go, especially in the world of professional wrestling, but these seven are the best that we have right now.
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