Hello. I am new here to TWM. Allow me to introduce myself before I get on my list; My name is Chris Mattingly. I have been a fan of wrestling for pretty much my entire life, and I’m 20 years old. I remember the first WrestleMania I watched live. That was WrestleMania 23. I can still remember Donald Trump shaving Vince’s hair, along with HBK vs John Cena and Undertaker vs Batista. Since then regardless of I actively follow WWE, I have not missed a Mania since 2007. 15 years ago. God, I feel old… Anyway enough rambling. Here are my Mattingly Top 10 favourite WrestleMania matches!
10. The Undertaker vs AJ Styles – Boneyard Match: WrestleMania 36 2020 | Mattingly Favourite Matches
Given the sudden change of this match, I feel like it deserves some attention. At Undertaker’s age, this style (Cinematic) worked well for The Dead Man. It was also something different. It allowed us to see sides of The Undertaker that we had not seen in quite some time. AJ Styles was the best choice to protect Undertaker. Sure it is not the greatest match in the world, but it was nice for the time and is a match/production that is worth watching again.
9. Seth Rollins vs Cesaro: WrestleMania 37 2021
I am a huge fan of Cesaro. I love this match because Cesaro got somewhat of a WrestleMania moment that he spent years busting his ass for. It’s not a world title win or even a main event match but it was classic wrestling. A traditional face vs heel style booking. Two unbelievable workers in the ring going at it for a fun 11-minute match. It was also Cesaro’s first-ever singles match at Mania.
8. Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels: WrestleMania 19 2003 | Mattingly Favourite Matches

I think this match does not get talked about enough. This was Shawn Michaels first WrestleMania match of his return following a few years away from the ring. Could HBK still be the show steeler? What better test than a young and red hot Chris Jericho. Classic storytelling. A straight-up wrestling match with no-nonsense. Shawn looked as good as ever. He proved that he was better than ever. This match also makes Jericho look like a huge star and one of the better heels. These two would later meet in 2008 for one of my all-time favourite feuds in wrestling history.
7. Edge and Christian vs The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz. TLC for Tag Team Titles: WrestleMania 17 2001.
This match is always fun to watch. Of course, the famous spear to Jeff Hardy from Edge at the top of a 20-foot ladder happened in this bout. That spot is the definition of a WrestleMania moment. When I think of a spot fest this match always comes to mind. It was creative and before its time. Everyone in the match played a big role to make it one of the best TLC matches ever still to this day. It is crazy to think 21 years later, Edge, Christian, and The Hardy Boyz are still doing some great work in WWE and AEW.

6. Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels – Ladder Match for Intercontinental Championship: WrestleMania 10 1994.
I think this is a match everyone should watch at least once in their life. You have an over babyface in Razor Ramon vs a classic heel in Shawn Michales. This was most certainly a match before its time. I can not find any flows in this match. It is a match that set the bar for how ladder matches should be. Storytelling and pacing are key in this contest.
HBK’s selling and bumping from the ladder is fantastic. The crowd went nuts as Razor slowly climbs the ladder and wins the Intercontinental Championship. RIP Razor Ramon.
5. The First Money In The Bank Ladder Match: WrestleMania 21 2005 | Mattingly Favourite Matches
This match has everything. The athleticism that we see from Shelton Benjamin. Mat wrestling from Chris Beniot. A monster in Kane. An old tag team with Edge and Christian and the cocky Chris Jericho. This again set the bar for future matches while also making Edge into the main event talent by winning this match. This is still in my opinion the best Money In The Bank Ladder Match. I miss the days when this match elevated a wrestler to the next level.
4. Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels: WrestleMania 21 2005
When you think Dream Matches, this is one of the biggest ones that could’ve still happened. When I think of pro wrestling, this match comes to mind. I love technical wrestling and this match does technical wrestling well. Every hold was executed well. These two keep you on the edge of your seats with near fall after near fall. It is an absolute clinic between two of the best on the biggest stage of them all. Simple and effective pro wrestling at its best in this match.
3. Triple H vs The Undertaker – Hell In A Cell: WrestleMania 28 2012 | Mattingly Favourite Matches
When I think of emotional suspenseful storytelling, this match defines that. This match ends a four-year long storyline between Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H. Triple H wanted to do what his good friend HBK could not do, which is to end the WrestleMania undefeated streak of The Undertaker. The Hell In The Cell made this match even better on a personal level. I think this match has one of the best near falls ever with HBK’s superkick into a pedigree from Triple H to The Undertaker. At that moment I thought WWE had pulled a swerve and Taker’s streak would be over with. A classic that everyone should watch. The embrace from the three involved at the end of the match always gets me emotional.
2. Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H for the World Title: WrestleMania 20 2004.
This one is tough to write about. I think we all know that this match will never be mentioned in WWE due to the last weekend of Benoit’s life. This is a match where dreams come true. After 18 years of busting his ass all around the world, Benoit gets his moment. I rank this match so high because of the storytelling and the embrace we see with best friends Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit Two guys in a lot of people’s minds thought they would never be world champions or main event talent. I also think Jim Ross did extremely well calling this match and the post-match scene. That is some of Jim’s best work in my opinion. Looking back at this match 18 years later it makes me sad but in a different way. It is heartbreaking to look back and now think how Eddie and Chris’s life ended. I wish they both could have retired from wrestling and lived happy full lives after this moment.

1. Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker: WrestleMania 25 2009 | Mattingly Favourite Matches
Again. A simple wrestling match with a solid storyline to it. Undertaker is undefeated at WrestleMania and Shawn Michaels wants to end Undertaker’s streak. This is two good wrestlers in their prime putting on a 30-minute classic. HBK playing an underdog that is willing to do whatever it takes to end the streak paired with the flawless strikes of The Undertaker and damn good near falls. This match has everything that a match should have. This is no doubt my favourite Mania match ever and what I think is the true main event of WrestleMania 25.
I would like to hear your thoughts. What is your favourite Mania matches? Follow me on Twitter; Chris Mattingly; @cmattingly97