Now let us get to the bott- urrrmmm sorry the WTF outfit moments of WrestleMania. This list was a lot harder to narrow down because quite honestly people made some choices

    I was only meant to do the top outfits, but there were just too many moments of genuine WTF, that I had to put this list together…so here we go!

    The Hurricane – WrestleMania 18

    10 Things You Didn't Know About Molly Holly – Page 8

    So elusive is the Hurricane of old that I had to settle for a GIF! I know this wrestler wore the same outfit most of the time but I genuinely had a WTF moment when rewatching to research for this article.

    The character on its own is nothing new, a superhero storyline has been done before. But I think the reason I just found it so strange was that it had a Hardy Boys feel to it but in a sad way. Just no!

    Rey Mysterio – Wrestle Mania 20

    Page 2 - 7 times Rey Mysterio was a real-life superhero

    This outfit is an example of a great idea gone bad. The Flash was quite clearly the inspiration for this outfit, but there is a reason superheroes wear spandex and not pleather…..because you end up looking like a mix between gimp and 90’s rapper.

    The top itself isn’t too bad (it is) but the trousers just make this outfit weird, they look like they are overly stretched. Lastly, the colour may be the right colour but in that material, it is just wrong!

    Pete Rose – WrestleMania 15

    Pete Rose | WWE
    Pete Rose Sport GIF by WWE - Find & Share on GIPHY

    I don’t know if this has ever been asked before… but why was Pete Rose a chicken? I completely understand that he was having a weird feud with Kane but that does not explain why on earth he was dressed as a chicken!

    Also, I understand that it was the San Diego Chicken for their baseball team and Rose was part of their team in his heyday. But why would a chicken attack Kane? Make it make sense…please?

    Goldust – WrestleMania 14

    Where Are They Now? - WrestleMania XIV | Page 16 of 39 | WrestleTalk

    I’m gonna let you in on a not so secret secret… I love Goldust. He is one of my all-time favourite wrestlers, especially for his whole aesthetic. But nothing, and I truly mean nothing, can ever make up for this beast of an outfit.

    Men in lingerie are absolutely fun and flirty for me, but why in the actual hell is he wearing an ill-fitting space suit underneath? Why is the lingerie ill-fitting and badly made? Why is his face paint completely separate from the rest of the look? I have way too many issues (in general) with this outfit. Bad WrestleMania… Bad!

    Jim Cornette – WrestleMania 10

    Jim Cornette on Twitter: "Second-hand store in Suburban Atlanta for $50!!… "

    Ok, now that I am over the Goldust debacle… wait, what is this? Why is Jim Cornette wearing sparkly pants and a bikers jacket that has been done up to look like a magician’s favourite fan has come to town?

    This outfit, if on someone else and for any fathomable rhyme or reason to actually wear it could be a top moment. But it doesn’t make sense, I’ve watched the segments, I’ve read as much as I can but I still do not know why he is dressed like a spangly ringmaster mixed with a leather daddy.

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