Aleister Black’s last few weeks did not go the way he probably anticipated. 

    He lost to Seth Rollins two weeks ago on RAW, and The Monday Night Messiah added insult to injury (literally) by attacking Black’s right arm. Then, when he attempted to help Dominick Mysterio last week, Rollins ordered Murphy to take Black’s eye out on the ring steps. 

    While it didn’t reach “grotesque” levels like Rey Mysterio’s “eye” at Extreme Rules, it looks like Black will be out of action for the foreseeable future. 

    However, rumors have circulated recently about his future within WWE. At first it seemed as if Vince McMahon soured on Black entirely and his push was as good as gone. But now it looks as if his character is the main issue. McMahon reportedly sees it as something that will limit him going forward. 

    So, the question remains: where does Black go from here?

    If his recent Instagram post tells us anything, it’s that some sort of change is potentially coming. He states,” And now I must re-write four years of my own history by getting rid of that weakness. The same weakness that caused this betrayal. This is where my accountability end, and yours starts.”

    If this is the case, and he doesn’t get shoved into some ridiculous comedy act, I’m all for it. Just ask the great TWM overlords, I was prepared to make this an open letter to McMahon and WWE creative begging them not to ruin Black. The reason why is rather simple: they have a special talent on their hands and I’m not sure they fully realize it.

    Ever since he debuted in NXT back in 2017, it was immediately clear that Black was unlike most on the roster. Aside from his incredible in-ring ability, he possesses this unique and mysterious aura that instantly commands your attention whenever he’s around. Even his promos exude an intensity and intrigue that others couldn’t come close to pulling off.

    His time on the black-and-yellow brand certainly exemplifies that fact. There really wasn’t anyone like him, and it helped him garner quite a following before he moved up to the main roster. But then things started to go downhill.

    He couldn’t utilize what made him popular in NXT, that occult, black magic persona that set him apart from everyone else. You don’t have to go back too far to find a perfect example of this. Without a doubt, his entrance is one of the coolest in the entire industry. But when was the last time we saw it? Lately, he’s either running out to make the save for someone or immediately storming the ring for a match.

    It’s a shame because the potential is clearly there. He’s not your average cookie cutter superstar, he’s the kind that deviates from the status quo and breaks the mold. If Black can bring back what worked several years ago, he could easily be a top star in the company. Not to mention, he could also fill the void that will certainly form with The Undertaker’s retirement.

    Could you imagine him facing off with the likes of The Fiend? That is a dream feud, and it could be one of the best rivalries in the company if done properly.

    But that’s the problem, WWE hasn’t even attempted to make Black’s character work as of late. So many people have seen the potential he has, but if they don’t see it, then it’s game over. Sadly, we’ve seen this happen too many times to great superstars. I just hope this isn’t the latest case of their infuriating creative decisions.

    So, the next step for Black shouldn’t be something drastic or completely out of left field. It should stay close to what he already is, and WWE should put the work in to help elevate him into the main event performer that he’s capable of being.

    The fans can see it, and it’s about time they see it as well.