On last week’s episode, of Friday Night SmackDown, we saw Big E and Sami Zayn get into an encounter backstage presumably leading to a feud down the line. The pair had, what can only be described as, the most intense handshake of all time. Having not seen too much of Big E since the WWE Draft, it looks like he is back to doing what he does best and that is why, I believe, Big E should be the next Intercontinental Champion.

    First things first, let’s discuss Sami Zayn. Sami Zayn has been fantastic since he has returned and his “The Great Liberator” character is hilarious to watch. However, I don’t believe he needs the Intercontinental Championship to perform the character as well as he does, he would be perfectly fine without it. Furthermore, as of recent he has not done too much with the championship; he is either being beaten or winning by nefarious means, which don’t get me wrong suits his character down to the ground, but these moments can be performed and executed just as well without the championship.

    Which is why the championship needs to be around the waist of someone who could benefit from it: Big E. Big E, as we all know, is a fantastic superstar. His in-ring work is sublime, his mic work is amazing, his mix of funny yet serious is ace but you can’t help but feel he just needs a little something to elevate him further, to get the ball rolling again and that something is the Intercontinental Championship.

    Big E has already proven he has what it takes to perform and produce as a singles star. His feud with Sheamus, on Smackdown before the Draft, was a perfect start to his singles career. Moreover, the Falls Count Anywhere match to culminate the feud not only showed just how good Big E is, but it also showed the company have faith in Big E and are behind him. This is further evident in the fact it was rumoured the reason he didn’t appear at Survivor Series is that they wanted to protect him from losing. WWE clearly see him as a commodity they want to protect and again, what better way to prove they have trust in him than to hand him another Intercontinental Championship reign.

    As Sami Zayn referenced on last weeks SmackDown, Big E’s first reign as Intercontinental Champion is somewhat forgettable. He defeated Curtis Axel on a RAW episode, in 2013, which then lead to a six-month reign which was ended by Bad News Barrett. Big E, in 2013, was not the charismatic performer we know today, he was just somewhat of a stereotypical “big man”. Now that he has dominated and succeeded at unparalleled heights in the tag team division, his character has come on leaps and bounds. He has learnt to embrace his funny side and also learnt when’s the right time to be that so-called “big man” in the ring.

    All in all, there is no better time for Big E to become Intercontinental Champion. His character has evolved immensely, since his last singles reign, and he is a proven success. He has an overwhelming amount of support from the WWE universe, who want to see him thrive on SmackDown. He has yet to wrestle as a singles star since the WWE Draft, so why not capitalise on this clean record and propel him into the championship picture. He could easily become one of WWE’s biggest singles stars if given the right backing, which is why I hope to see Big E as the next Intercontinental Champion.